28 December, 2010

New Year's Resolution. . . of sorts

I won't dissemble: the past few years have sucked.  I lost my career, which I really loved.  I am poor.

But when I look around, I have been extremely fortunate.  That fortune needs to be called out.

I have the greatest privilege I have enjoyed in my entire life.  I have sat with Combatant Commanders in their inner offices.  I worked with the most secret operatives our country's service; but I have never enjoyed the company of better, more committed, more skilled patriots than my partners at Flint, Grimes & Hullinger; Utah's best criminal defense attorneys.

My professional friends are among the best attorneys I've ever met.

I get to go to the office in the morning knowing that I will learn something, and will be part of something that is important.

I resolve to love what I am doing. I resolve to be better at what I do.  But I can only do that because I have been fortunate enough to work in the company of Good Attorneys, and Good People.

Happy New Year to you!  I think it will end badly; but that is no reason to start poorly.