Tea Parties.
What will history say about these things? It will say little. They will be footnotes; perhaps colorful details used to illustrate how 21st Century Americans slowly burned down one of the most intriguing developments in human history: The United States of America.
The participants in the American Revolution were the first in centuries to raise their eyes from the oppression of feudal aristocracy, and to say that there is a promise of a better way. What they rebelled against was the idea that one person was divinely anointed to rule over another. That this is so is unremarkable. Elementary school children might work this out.
What neither they, nor, apparently, the majority of their parents seem to grasp is that the Revolution raised Americans above -- considerably above -- the historical 'mean' of human civilization. It was a revolution not because they changed the titles. It was a revolution because they abandoned the accretion of centuries of brute human nature.
Nobody, except for the most inbred final generations of the European royalty actually believed in the Divine Right of Kings. It was merely a convenient 'platform' to excuse and legitimate centuries of petty betrayals and brutality that had inevitably placed almost all of the wealth and most of the power in the hands of a single person. But the story was not the power in the hands of a King. The story was the numberless march of thugs, flatterers, and thieves, each throwing a stone into the lake of humanity until it was completely buried beneath the desert of monarchy.
Nobody remembers what the realities of Feudalism were.
When Rome collapsed, whatever power of the Empire there was evaporated like water in the desert. Nobody was in charge. Any power that was left was the power of violence or fraud. Every man and woman lived dependent upon or in fear of other men with strength, food, and weapons. A good man without these lost, every time, to an animal possessed of them. After a few generations of such a life, other men arose, and spent a lifetime securing such power and overthrew the reigns of some of those animals, and their offspring.
In doing so, they recognized the advantage of collective action with other such men, and the successor society to tribes arose. Small nations of people who would, together, resist encroachments of marauders and secure their own advantage by joining together. It was inevitable that a people that survived by this strategy would look to replicate this in their dealings with other such nations.
But this only elevated the State of Nature to the level of petty rulers. Those who could or would not fight tooth and nail were enabled to shelter under the protection of men who would kill to secure their food, families, and strength. So, the cycle began anew; with brutes banding together to resist or overthrow other brutes, and in the process being obliged to reenact the savage rites of submission and dominance of the wolf pack or lion pride. And this repeated itself, over and over, until Europe had divided itself into the Westphalian powers that spread out over the world, conquering and colonizing by the agency of brutal men blinded by belief or animal avarice as they ground humanity under their heels.
This world expanded into the fertile, and almost cosmically limitless frontier of the Americas at the same time that philosophers and pioneers began to question if there were some way to live their lives other than prisoners of the coral reef of greed and power that encircled their reality, whether they were peasants or nobles. Both peoples were forced into their 'stations' by the inflexible demands of the thefts and murders that had put them there, either as slaves or as overseers.
So, they arose. Imperfectly, some times almost oblivious to some of the implications of their actions, other times only succeeding by complete luck and cosmic twists of fate that upended otherwise almost universal laws of human and natural dynamics. They purported to raise a new reality, and indeed might have.
But they were still human. While they may have been animated by Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood, they still had to eat, clothe themselves, shelter against the winter, and protect their families. For two centuries they strove, with varying degrees of success, to embody the new paradigm that had risen from the flames that would eventually engulf the British Empire.
Things happened. The world changed in some ways. And the 20th century arrived. Distance faded away in the wake of the Wright Brothers and Samuel Morse. Frontiers receded, and then disappeared. The penultimate evolution of the State of Nature crashed into the fire of World War I, and then burned to the ground at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What arose was nothing less than the re-incarnation of Westphalia, with the Great Powers replaced by the Cold War of the Bi-Polar world.
The humans in this arc were no more or less active and alive than at any other time in history. The residents of the States, rather than somehow defying nature, were busily engaged in securing a home for their families, with a white picket fence, an automobile, and a refrigerator. And they were doing so by cooperating with others, deferring to, or becoming leaders, joining alliances, cooperating against competitors, and generally following the human tradition. Except in stead of calling themselves serfs, they thought themselves consumers. Instead of Barons, they called themselves CEOs, or Representatives. They thought it made it different.
But we're not.
Brutality and elitism are both alive and well, and also aggressively reserved to the beneficiaries of natures lottery. I watch it every day. I probably live in it like a fish lives in water. But I can name the water. And I can poke my eyes above the surface and aspire to walk beyond it.
In the U.S., as in Utah, and in Utah County, an aristocracy has gradually, inexorably, and most shockingly with the active encouragement of both the aristocrats and their victims, arisen. No less terrible than the legions and Senate of Rome. As irresistible as the Great Oaken Wall of the Empire Where The Sun Never Set. So ominous, indeed, that if there are any who would call out its true name, they do so from the wilderness, or its modern analog, the slum.
You are not serfs. You can only be ruled by your own consent. But Americans, Utahns, and citizens of Utah County are rushing, smugly and headlong, to avert their eyes while they bow to a small group of thieves, bullies, and flatterers who are taking everything this valley has and laughing as they watch us fight over the scraps. . . and think themselves holy in their submission.
The Revolution tore down the institutions so that Nature could renew humanity, with the hope that we could flourish beyond the walls and eyes of the rulers. Our walls are crumbling now, too.
Are you going to rush, and struggle with all your strength to shore up and repair the same walls? Are you going to hate the sunlight that shines into the pen in which you were born? Will you trade a cell for a shack while the predators watch you, amusedly, from their palaces?
Stand up! Make a decision. Stop mindlessly groveling every November to the same political gang that has been robbing you blind for decades. Take the power away from them at every turn. Elect -- Choose -- men and women who hate tyranny, who love freedom, and who stand for the rights of the Individual over the State.
If we have to start small, so be it. Taking the County Attorney's office, or a seat on the County Commission, a Seat in the Legislature, or a Congressional district, or the Governor's Office are battles we can win. You only have to dare to do something other than what you have been told. Vote for Liberty. Vote against the Republican/Democrat Corporation. Lift up your eyes and stand!
02 October, 2010
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